I will be exhibiting with the Sprout Arts members as part of the Wandsworth Artists' Open House from October 3rd to 15th and taking part in the Streatham Arts Festival between October 13th and 22nd. I will have a larger work in the window of Charles Carter Hair, with Martin Grover, as part of their Arts Trail. I will have an even larger piece in St Leonard's Church and four smaller pieces in Streatham Tate Library. Finally, I will have another work in the Woodfield Pavilion.
So that's eight of my works that will out and about and available to buy in SW16 during October.
Tonight is the Private View and Garden Party at the Anna Lovely Gallery in SE26 and it's a scorcher in London. Been finishing a new piece for the next Sprout Open in October. It isn't finished yet but I sent a submission photo of the progress so far...
January 2025