The PDF of week 5's artistic endeavours is now online. I've continued adding text, although you don't need to read it, It's just to add to the magazine layout feel and for my InDesign practice. I just thought I'd add something rather than use Lorem Ipsum.
Four weeks already. I've added some old haiku, that I found in a notebook that I wrote a few years ago to this weeks edition, to add a bit of variety and to practice a bit of InDesign. Which is far easier to get my head round than some parts of Illustrator!
Another week of self-isolation artwork completed and collected below. You can see all three weeks so far on my Lockdown Diary page.
I have been making daily artworks since the official Covid-19 lockdown on March 24th and publishing them as weekly PDF zines as well as on my Instagram accounts and in the Lockdown Diary. You can access the zines by clicking on the images below.
August 2024