My next solo show, You Can't Take It With You, opens on Wednesday 28th, with an opening party from 6.00pm on Friday 30th.which I hope to see a few faces at.
The title is an alternative t Everything Must Go, which I thought sounded a tad desperate. But I do need to sell off a few paintings as I don't want o be taking them to Cornwall with me when we move. Our flat is about to go on the market this week so this may be the last show I do in London for a while. I'm pleased to say that my painting, Birth, School, Work, Death, will be in this years Brixton Summer Art Show. As it had a similar palette to The Map Is Not The Territory [which didn't get into the Townhouse Open] I feared it might suffer the same fate. The rejected picture is currently on show as part of the Not For Sale show on the streets of Camberwell though.
The show is on from July 3rd -27th, so will overlap with my solo show at Woodfield Pavilion for a couple of weeks. |
August 2024