I've decided it's about time I set up a mailing list, which you can sign up for on the home page. I'm sure it will be a very sporadic affair to start with so it will hardly clutter your inbox. I didn't realise Ko-fi have a store facility as well, so I'm looking at that as a possible replacement for Etsy. I couldn't post anything without including an image. I'm very pleased with MNML09. It is a combination of an acrylic painting on paper and a monoprint, scanned, combined and re-coloured in Photoshop. Available as a one off whopping 36" square giclee print. There are smaller sizes available too. Look out for it at Urban Art Brixton this weekend
I'm pleased to say that these three paintings will be on show at some point in July [The easing of Covid restrictions will dictate when]. Below is Everything Is Broken 1, which will be at the Townhouse Gallery in Spitalfields from July 10th to September 12th. Below that are Sisyphus and Global Village idiot, which will both be hanging in the Brixton Summer Art Show in Brixton Library.
Another Virtual Event this year in case there are any u-turns on the lifting of restrictions at the last minute. I am preparing a catalogue of items that will be available as a downloadable PDF from my UAF21 webpage. I will try to make myself available via Messenger or WhatsApp during the event weekend, July 3rd/4th, but I am always contactable via email.
February 2025